Berliner Wine Trophy - World's Largest OIV Wine Competition
in 2022
Top 10 advantages of our wine challenge

New standards in the wine scene
In cooperation with the corresponding committees, the maximum number of submissions for the Berliner Wine Trophy has been limited to 7,000 per event. Unfortunately, if this self-imposed limit was exceeded, as on previous occasions, we will have to close the registration period before the established deadline.
For us, DWM – Deutsche Wein Marketing, this limitation is a logical step in the quality approach with which we operate and that we implement in all areas of work. With the patronage of the OIV and the UIOE (and the strict controls that this entails), with the notarial supervision, the oenological analyzes of the awarded wines, and much more, we and all the members of the jury are ready to give the submitted products all the appreciation they deserve.
At the same time, this measure prevents an inflationary increase of award-winning wines with the Berliner Wine Trophy medal. It has always been something special to receive this award, and it should remain so. Therefore, participants should not wait until the last moment but submit the wines as soon as possible.
Tasting the wines

In our facilities in Berlin, our logistics staff receive hundreds of wines a day during the months prior to the tasting. They unpack, identify and check that the samples match the data provided in the "sample passport" and in our system. Only then is an internal code assigned that will serve to pinpoint and locate the sample at a later stage

Samples from all over the world participate in our wine challenges, which sometimes involve long and hectic transports. Therefore, the bottles will be stored in a vertical position to ensure that any possible sediments are deposited at the bottom. There are different rooms for each category of wine, all of them with the corresponding light and temperature to ensure the best possible conditions.

Thanks to our serviceĀ WineShoot, all the wines received are photographed in high quality and even in 360Ā°. The images are available to the participants free of charge, and they will be able to use them on their respective websites, social networks, magazines, etc. to promote their wines. The pictures will also be used to illustrate the award-winning wines on ourĀ results page.

The management team, in close collaboration with the experts of the OIV and the UIOE, organizes and groups the "Flights" taking into account the characteristics of the wines. In this way, the tasting conditions are fair for all wines as the jurors will not be negatively affected by aspects such as variety, acidity, residual sugar and alcohol content.

The wines will be tasted by a jury consisting of oenologists, sommeliers, masters of wine, traders, winegrowers, journalists... The products will be rated according to the regulations of OIV and UIOE, using the 100-point score system (blind tasting). That includes categories such as red wine, white wine, rosƩ wine, orange wine, sparkling wine, liquor wine and more.

It must be said that the jurors do not know whether a wine will finally receive a medal or not, due to circumstances such as the "30% rule". It is therefore impossible to influence the final results in any way. Both the notaries and the observers from the different entities, such as the OIV, watch to ensure that there are no irregularities at any stage of the process.

The BWT was the first competition to introduce, among other things, the oenological analyses of the awarded wines and the notarial supervision. In contrast to other wine contests, only the best 30% of the products tasted are finally awarded a medal (according to OIV standards). This does not reduce the value of the rest of the products, but it does accentuate the prestige that it represents to receive it.