Wine Shoot: shoot, mask and crop in HD

For over 25 years, DWM has been setting standards in the wine industry. Through the patronage of the OIV and the UIOE, the Trophies of DWM belong to the most strictly controlled wine competitions of the world. Now, we would like to introduce this service available for Wine Trophy participants, the Wine Shoot.

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Wine Shoot, by Picture Instruments in collaboration with DWM – Deutsche Wein Marketing, enables us to shoot, mask and crop 20,000+ wines per year. Those wines can also be shot as 360° rotating objects if necessary.

It is very important for us that the best wines are awarded a medal, but it is equally important for us to provide the best services to all our participants.

For that reason, Wine Shoot is included in the Wine Trophy fees and available for every submitted wine.

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